Dragon Totem Power

“The Ojibway scholar Basil H. Johnston defines dodaem, or totem, as “that from which I draw my purpose, meaning, and being,” and states that “the bonds that united the Ojibway-speaking people were the totems.” He further asserts that the feeling of oneness among people that occupy a vast territory is based not on political, economic, or religious considerations but on totemic symbols that “made those born under the signs one in function, birth, and purpose.” This means that men and women belonging to the same totem regarded one another as brothers and sisters having kinship obligations to each other.”  [Source: Wikipedia]

The following article explores the dragon as a totem: a symbol from which purpose and meaning is derived, and bonds are formed through collective identification with its interpreted purpose.

by The Dragon Shaman:

The Dragon Totem or Dragon as an energy has so much mystique, lore and legend surrounding it, that it is impossible to describe them all with any depth in the context of this page. However, this mighty, powerful and regal creature has been the inspiration of an incredible number of books, songs, artwork, paintings, movies and even poems. Humans, in general, across the ages have somewhat lost interest in Dragon mythology and folklore.However, if only they knew the power of the dragon totem !

Many cultures and tribes recognize the Dragon as the magical and majestic creature it is and honor and respect it’s energy and intelligence. One thing is certainly true, the Dragon is one of the most fascinating and mysterious of all the Totems, as well as being one of the most magically powerful amongst shaman.

Dragons and their energy come in an almost infinite number of configurations, some can fly, others do not. Some breathe fire, others do not, some swim, are you getting the idea yet?

It has been said many times that Dragons prefer to dwell in caves and caverns and from my own experience in Dragon Mastery this is only partially true .. a high percentage of dragons actually prefer to live near water, especially the sea and do occassionally take refuge in nearby caves to rest.

Dragons collectively come in a myriad of different colours and this shaman can confirm that the colour of a Dragon corresponds to the energy field held within it’s aura. This is not always the case, because of the Dragon’s ability to shapeshift at will, however for the purposes of debate and understanding, take it as a general rule.

Having read many articles and supposed experts in the field of dragonology, it has been said that ‘Elemental Dragons’ exist. Whereby, Dragon energy has been sub divided into the elemental forces of nature i.e. The Fire Dragon, The Air Dragon, The Water Dragon and last but not least The Earth Dragon. All of which are supposed to represent various virtues and characteristics.

“The Fire Dragon which represents leadership, inner fire, vitality and mastery. The Air Dragon which represents inspiration, vitality, intellect, respect, insight and illumination. The Water Dragon who’s virtues include, passion, depth, courage, ability to face the past without fear, and compassion, and the Earth Dragon which gives the power of realizing potential, acquiring riches, and grounding ones energy in order to harness it.”

However, I wish to contradict these suggestions, and alternatively wish to suggest that ALL Dragons possess such forces, virtues and characteristics.

Dragons offer the strongest protection from evil (dark matter or energy), and from all directions, North, East, South, West, Above, Below & Beyond!. They have always been associated with metaphysics, alchemy,  magic, mystery, wisdom and power and are one of the most sought after Totem Animals amongst Shaman across various cultures and countries throughout the ages, ranging from the Chinese, Japanese, The Celts, American Indians, and Europeans.

According to various metaphysicists the Dragon Totem possesses the following virtues:

“Leadership, magical prowess, vitality, mastery, insight, divine illumination, protection from outside evil forces from all directions, grounded energy, fulfillment of potential, inspiration, longevity, personal happiness, greatly increased riches, infinite wisdom, luminous beauty, majesty, indomitable spirit and strength, invisibility, power of transformation and metaphysical knowledge.”

For century’s shamans, priestesses, wizards, witches, spiritual healers and holistic practitioners of the occult have transferred the powerful magical energy of the Dragon to themselves and to others in need of this superior magic. The possessor of Dragon energy will see their lives, spiritual energy and mental clarity improve beyond all recognition. The Dragon totem is a very powerful spirit and its supernatural properties are the most influential of all totems.

As a final note, BEWARE, the misuse of the Dragon Totem, this type of malpractice will see only one final outcome … the consumption of oneself by the very Dragon that was instructed to assist in the perfoming of alchemy. Being burnt, consumed, sat upon or dropped from a great height by a Dragon can only result in one thing .. I shall leave that to your imagination !

[From http://www.thedragonshaman.com/dragon-totem-power.html]




  1. Randy Julien May 17, 2014 at 1:47 am

    Great! I enjoyed the read.

  2. Allard December 20, 2016 at 3:41 am

    Dragon Mastery?

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